Creating a Report
This article describes the custom organization backup and events reports you can create.
Running a Report
To run a standard report or configure a custom report, navigate to the Admin section of a SaaS Protection account and select Reporting. SaaS Protection Reports have two levels of detail available: Summary report and Event Log.
If there are no events within the filters and dates selected the following message will appear: "No matching events found. Please change filtering settings or expand date range."
Summary report
The Generated Summary report includes information about the number of successful and failed events based on the Event Type selected in the Custom Reporting section. This information is represented graphically in the Hourly Events Summary section. You can hover over a bubble to display data specific to an event.
In the Events By Day section, the line chart provides a daily breakdown of the number of successful and unsuccessful events. The Items line chart provides the number of successful and unsuccessful items per day. You can hover over a data point in a line chart to display the number of successful and unsuccessful items for a given day.
Event log
The Event Log presents organization backup data in table format. Event status indicators are presented across the entire row of an event.
NOTE Results are limited to 1000 events in the Event Log. To see results beyond the first 1000 events use the Download CSV option.
- Event: Identifies the specific event, as in Backup, Export, or Restore.
- Completed: Date and time the event was completed.
- Source: Specific seat for which the event applies.
- Destination: Selected destination service. Only applicable when viewing Restore events.
- App: Service for which the event occurred.
- Recovery Point: Date and time the event was started. Only applicable when viewing Restore and Export events
- Performed By: Email address of user who performed the action. Only applicable when viewing Restore and Export events.
- Items: Number of successful items out of the total number of items for the event.
- Failure Information: Error messaging and color-coded status indicators indicate the reason and type of failure.
- Enhanced Error Messaging –
- Each failed or partial event includes the following details:
- Item name (if applicable)
- Error name
- Error type
- Error code
- Error message
- If an error invalidates the whole event, a single error message will appear, preventing the process from proceeding with individual files.
- If each file encounters a separate error, and all files fail, SaaS Protection will flag the record with a yellow indicator.
- If some files succeeded but other files failed, SaaS Protection will flag the record with a yellow indicator and a drop-down menu enumerating the failed items.
- Each failed or partial event includes the following details:
- Enhanced Error Messaging –
- Status Indicators:
- Green: Successful events
- Yellow: Partially successful events
- Red or orange: Failed events
To create a Custom Report:
- On the SaaS Protection Status page, click the desired organization.
- Select Admin > Reporting.
- In Event Class, select one of the following:
- System Events
- User Actions
- In the Date Range list, the last eight days are pre-selected. To select a different date range, select an item in the list or use the Custom Range option to define a specific time range by clicking start and end dates on the calendar.
NOTE If you selected User Actions in step 3, All is selected for the list values in steps 5 through 7 and cannot be changed.
- In the Event Type list, All is pre-selected. In the list, you can select Backup, Export, or Restore.
- In the Status list, All is pre-selected. In the list, you can select Success, Partial Success, or Failure.
- In the Application list, All is pre-selected. In the list, you can select a specific application on which to base the report.
- In the User box, you can enter a User, Sharepoint Site, or Team name to narrow the report results.
- To display the results in a summary report, click Generate Summary.
- To display the results in an event log, click View Event Log.
- To create a CSV file of the report, click Download CSV.