What Google Drive data does Datto SaaS Protection for Google Workspace back up?

What Google Drive data does Datto SaaS Protection for Google Workspace back up?


  • Datto SaaS Protection for Google Workspace


All critical Drive data is backed up, including:

  • Native Google documents
  • Microsoft Office documents
  • Images

There is a small subset of files Datto SaaS Protection does not back up. These are:

  • Google Forms: While we cannot back up the form itself (due to Google not having an API available), we do back up the resulting response spreadsheet which contains the questions from the form.
  • Google Scripts and Fusion Tables: These are also not available for export through the Google APIs. The underlying data for fusion tables will be backed up as a spreadsheet if it is in your drive.
  • Microsoft Office temporary files: When you edit an Office doc that is saved in Drive, Office creates a temporary file that gets deleted once your file is saved. You might see it as ~$example.docx. Since these temporary files have no content and cannot be restored, they are not backed up. This helps backups run faster and keeps your folder uncluttered.
  • 3rd-party application documents: Docs from 3rd parties like Smartsheet and Lucidchart cannot be backed up if they do not reside within Google Drive.
  • Google Classroom files