Datto Distributors: Opting into SaaS Protection through the Datto Store

IMPORTANT  This article does not apply to Backupify customers.

This article discusses how Datto Distributors, and MSPs who buy through Datto Distributors, can opt in to Datto SaaS Protection through the Datto Store.


  • Datto SaaS Protection
  • Datto Distributors



Distributors and MSPs who buy through Distributors must follow the steps below to add new domains as well as have domains transferred to them.

1. In the Partner Portal, click the Status tab, then select SaaS Protection Status from the drop-down menu.


2. On the SaaS Protection Status Page, click Add SaaS Protection Organization.

3. The Onboarding dalog biox will open, and you will be able to set up your first organization.