Backupify: What are billable seats?

What are billable seats in Backupify?


  • Backupify for Google Workspace
  • Backupify for M365


Billable seats are the services for which Backupify charges a license.

What is considered a billable seat?

  • Protected users consume one license each.

Protected users

Backupify bills for user accounts that have the following seat statuses in Backupify:

  • Active
  • Paused
  • Archived

To learn more about these statuses, visit the following article: Changing seat status.

What is considered a non-billable seat?

  • Unprotected users
  • Shared and Resource Mailboxes

Unprotected users

Backupify does not bill for a user seat type that is in an Unprotected status.

To learn more about these statuses, visit the following article: Changing seat status.

Shared Mailboxes (M365 only)

Backupify will only charge for a Shared Mailbox if it takes up a license in your M365 environment. If your mailbox is taking up a license in your M365 environment, Backupify will count the mailbox as a licensed user. For this reason, Backupify will consider the Shared Mailbox as a user seat type and will charge a license fee.

A Shared Mailbox has a license in the M365 environment because of one of the following reasons:

  • The Shared Mailbox has over 50 GB of storage, at which point Microsoft requires a license.
  • The Microsoft user account converts to a Shared Mailbox, and the Microsoft license was not removed from the account.

M365 users that are converted to shared mailboxes and have their Microsoft license removed will be recognized as shared mailboxes in Backupify. The previous backups will be maintained and are still subject to retention.

What about Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and Google Shared Drives?

These areas of Google Workspace and M365 are backed up complimentary to your protected users once their backups have begun.