New platform cut-over information

This article describes the transition from Datto SaaS Protection Legacy (formerly known as Datto SaaS Protection 1.0 or Classic) to the new platform.


  • Datto SaaS Protection


Datto's product and engineering teams have rebuilt the Datto SaaS Protection platform from the ground up. We redesigned the back-end infrastructure allowing for much faster search, export, and restore speeds.

What can you expect during the cut-over process?

While this initial backup occurs, we will continue to back up your data in both the New and Legacy platform in parallel. Once the initial backup is complete, we will stop backing up in the Legacy platform, but your data will be kept there for archival purposes.

Where is my data stored?

  • Datto SaaS Protection legacy platform stores your historical data in the datacenter you chose when you first onboarded. Upon the retirement of the legacy platform, data will stay in the same data region and stored in Datto’s instance of Microsoft Azure.
  • Datto SaaS Protection 's new platform will store your data in the same location as the legacy data.

How long is the cut-over process?

Cut-over times vary depending on the node, data size, and throttling that may be imposed by the service provider (Google or Microsoft). It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Storage totals for the newly ingested services will not become available until the initial backups complete.

How do I know which version of the platform I am on?

The new platform is has a brand new customer experience with a new design upon logging into your organization's account via the SaaS Protection Status page.

How can I export my data from Datto SaaS Protection Legacy?

See Export archived legacy data for information on how to export data that is only accessible from Datto SaaS Protection Legacy.