Adding a new Datto SaaS Protection organization

IMPORTANT   It is recommended that you review the entire article before performing the required tasks as you may need to obtain information from the organization to complete certain steps.

Adding (onboarding) a new Datto SaaS Protection organization to your environment is an easy and straightforward process. This article describes the steps you perform to add a new organization.

Add Datto SaaS Protection organization

To begin, locate the Add SaaS Protection Organization button on the SaaS Protection Status Overview page.

NOTE  The Add SaaS Protection Organization button is available only to Admins. If you wish to make this function available to a technician at your company, contact Support.

A series of dialog boxes will appear to walk you through adding a new organization.


Define the product to be backed up, storage region, NFR status, and the Organization to link the new SaaS Protection account to.

  1. In the Datto Partner Portal, select Status > SaaS Protection Status.
  2. Click Add SaaS Protection Organization to begin.
  3. In the Organization dialog box select an existing organization or create a new organization to link the SaaS Protection account to.
    • If creating a new organization, a name must be input into the Organization field.
    • To link the new SaaS account to an existing Organization which already has a SaaS account linked to it, select the existing organization (eg. add a Google SaaS account to an organization which already has a Microsoft 365 SaaS account linked to it. This is known as a dual provisioned account). Doing so will restrict some options (region, commitment, licensing) in the creation process.
  4. For Is this a Not for Resale (NFR) account?, No is selected by default. If applicable, select Yes. More information on the NFR program can be found here: Not-for-Resale (NFR) program for Datto SaaS Protection.
  5. In the Region where data is stored list, select the region where the organization's backups should be stored. The organization may have policies regarding this. Datto's cloud servers are located in each of the regions listed. The organization's storage location cannot be changed after the account has been created.
  6. For Select which product will be backed up?, select the applicable option.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the Commitment section.


This page opens with a description of the retention and the pruning schedule. The retention setting determines how long historical backup data is retained. Choosing the Infinite setting will retain backup history until the subscription is canceled.

Select the commitment term and retention model for the organization. For more information, see Understanding the pricing model.

  1. Define the Commitment and Retention policy from within the dropdown menu.
  2. If necessary, adjust the Retention Period value and modifier.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the Org Management section.

Organization Management

On the Organization Management dialog you (partner) select whether you or your organization will manage the SaaS Protection account. The selection you make determines who authorizes and manages the SaaS Protection account. For more information on Organizations and Users in the Datto Partner Portal, see Manage company and organization users.

  1. In SaaS Protection organization managed by? select Partner or Organization. Partner is selected by default.

NOTE  If you are a direct customer and not buying via an MSP, the organization must be partner managed and you cannot select the Organization setting.

  1. For Do you have global admin credentials for the product being protected? select Yes or No.

    If No is selected, enter an email address in the Email field. An email will be sent to this address to create and authorize the account.

  2. Click Next to proceed to the Licensing section.


On the Licensing dialog box you can choose enable Auto-add to automatically protect new users and enable a user license cap to prevent the organization from consuming too many SaaS Protection licenses. To make managing user licenses easier, it is recommended the Auto-add users feature is left enabled.

  1. Auto-add users is enabled by default. You can disable auto-add by clicking the slider.
  2. To limit the number of licensed users that Datto SaaS Protection can protect and charge for, use the Enable user license cap slider and enter a value for User license cap.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the Confirm section.


Review the configuration of the new SaaS Protection Organization and provide admin credentials.

  1. After reading the Acknowledgment section, check the box to agree.
  2. Click Add SaaS Protection Organization to proceed to the next step.
  3. If Yes was selected for Do you have global admin credentials?, you will be redirected to outside of the Datto Partner Portal to provide those credentials.

For information about working with existing SaaS Protection organizations, see the article Exploring the SaaS Protection Status page.