Exploring the SaaS Protection Status page

The SaaS Protection Status page is your entry point for working with Datto SaaS Protection. This article describes the information and functionality available on the SaaS Protection Status page.

SaaS Protection Status page

When you access the SaaS Protection Status page, the Overview tab is displayed by default. On this tab, you can quickly review key information for each of your organizations as well as perform certain tasks.

The SaaS Protection Status page provides charts to monitor vital statistics for all your SaaS Protection accounts:

The following charts are available:

  • Total Success Rate: Backup success rate across all organizations within the last 24 hours.
  • Seat Protection: Ratio of protected vs. unprotected seats.
  • Organizations: How many organizations are pending authorization from Microsoft or Google to start doing backups.
  • Kaseya 365 Licenses: License usage across all of your subscriptions. (Displays if you have a Kaseya 365 subscription.)
  • Datto SaaS Protection Licenses License usage across all of your subscriptions. (Displays if you have a standalone Datto SaaS Protection subscription.)
  • Storage Usage: For Kaseya 365 customers only, this chart shows the storage usage amount when you have used at least 70% of your available capacity. (The chart does not display if usage is under 70%.)
  • Storage: For standalone SaaS Protection customers only, this chart shows the storage usage amount when you have used at least 70% of your available capacity. (The chart does not display if usage is under 70%.)

NOTE   Additional charges may be applied if storage exceeds the Fair Use Policy. More information can be found in the Fair Use and Excessive Use section (2.f) of the Kaseya Master Agreement and in this Kaseya 365 article: SaaS Backup storage and license consumption for Kaseya 365.

Each column in the Overview table is described below.

Column Description
Organization Name Name of the organization.
Subscription Types Icons indicating the organization's Datto SaaS Protection subscription types.
Subscription End Date End date of the organization's subscriptions.
Seats Total number of billable SaaS Protection seats | Total number of billable SaaS Defense seats.
For more information about seat type and seat status, see the article Understanding the pricing model.
License Cap Highest possible number of licenses the organization can consume. Once the cap is reached, newly discovered seats will not be automatically protected.
Backup Success Rate (24 hrs) Percentage of an organization's services that were successfully backed up in the last 24 hours. For organization's whose SaaS Protection authorization has not been completed, Unavailable is displayed.
Retention Period Details of the retention settings for the organization.
Total Protected Data The total amount of data stored across all snapshots for the organization.
SaaS Defense Status (one week) State of the SaaS Defense application for the organization. If SaaS Defense is enabled, possible values are:
  • Activate SaaS Defense: Displayed when SaaS Defense has not been activated for an M365 partner-managed SaaS Protection account. Click to initiate authorization steps.
    For more information, see the article Activating SaaS Defense for your eligible clients.
  • Monitoring: For organizations with Saas Defense activated in Monitoring mode, indicates the number of threats detected in the last seven days. Provides a link to the Malicious page in the SaaS Defense application.
  • Check Authorization: Displayed when authorization steps have not been completed for the SaaS Defense.
  • Unavailable: SaaS Defense is not currently available to be activated for Google and organization-managed domains.
  • Not Protected: SaaS Defense is not activated for the organization.
Options menu Click to display more options for the organization. Options include:
  • Change Commitment Term & Retention Period: Update the commitment term and retention settings for the organization.
  • Manage license cap
  • Cancel Subscription(s): Cancel the subscription and delete all backups for the organization. Applies to standalone Datto SaaS Protection subscriptions only.
  • IMPORTANT  If you are using Datto SaaS Protection as part of a Kaseya 365 subscription, work with your Account Manager to cancel the subscription.

Overview Tab functionality

The SaaS Protection Status page provides the following functionality to manage your SaaS Protection environment (interface elements shown in graphic below):

  • Add Organization: Add SaaS Protection organizations to your environment by managing the steps to authorize and create the accounts. See the article Adding a new Datto SaaS Protection organization.
  • Link to organization's Status page: Examine organization backup information via the link in the Organization Name column. See the article Examining organization backup information.
  • Seats Rollover: A detailed view of seats is available by placing your mouse over the value under the seats column.
  • Other Options: These are available via the menu to the right of Add SaaS Protection Organization.
    • Configure Daily Backup Report: The Daily Backup Report provides each of your organizations with a customized report summarizing key backup information for their own environments. In addition, create a report your team can use to monitor the backup performance for each of your organizations. See the article Providing a Daily Backup Success Report.
    • Download Backups Report: The Backups Report includes Total Protected Seats, Success Rate 24 Hours, Total Storage, and SaaS Defense Status for each SaaS Organization.
    • Download Licenses Report: The Licenses Report includes Retention, Commitment Term, Current Usage, License Cap, and Subscription data for each SaaS Organization.
    • View Invoices: Links to the Kaseya Store where invoices and other billing information is presented.
    • View Pricing Schedule: Links to the Product & Pricing Info page in the Datto Partner Portal.

Other Tabs

  • Licenses: Review your total license usage for each subscription type and license usage for each organization. See the article Reviewing license information.
  • Graphus: Review Graphus Anti Phishing details.